About Us

About us

Future Rivers goal is to provides funding for projects to preserve and enhance our outdoor freshwater fisheries, projects that make a long term difference – for things that may otherwise not get done. Sponsorship funds are held in a Trust and are allocated on a case by case basis. Types of projects Future Rivers typically manage sponsorship for can include:

Access / Public Awareness / Environmental Litigation / Wetland development / Ecological Tourism / Stream fencing / weed control / Riparian planting / Research / Education

A desire to contribute...

One of our iconic Canterbury Spring creeks sadly had an illegal diversion applied to it some time ago. This discovery was drawn to the attention of the local Fish & Game office in early 2012. With the requirement of a resource consent, uncertainty of the cost, and on-going conservation priorities, it meant that the issue still lay unresolved some 14 months later. As a business reliant on the outdoor recreation industry, we wanted to help. It was this desire to contribute, that sparked the idea we now call Future Rivers.

By combining sponsorship services with marketing services, Future Rivers has achieved a highly cost effective, flexible, industry focused solution that promotes sustainable growth and future productivity for outdoor recreation. This unique approach to marketing is putting Future Rivers at the forefront of innovation in their field.

Why Sponsorship?

The development of technology has dramatically changed our expectations as consumers. We no longer have to respond to a limited amount of one-way channels of communication.

Consumers can now research multiple sources of information before making a decision on a purchase, leaving traditional forms of advertising and brand awareness all competing to cut through the marketing chaos.

Sponsorship is now more than ever, the best way for brands to target various communities of multiple socio-demographic groups. Through aligning with their common interests, a multi-niche communication dialogue can be maintained creating a new convergence of industry and consumer markets.

The outdoor recreation industry is evolving rapidly in the levels of safety and quality of service it must provide, yet conservation of the resources it relies upon continues to struggle to keep up. Future Rivers endeavours to strengthen the sponsorship of environmental conservation by engaging the outdoor recreation industry (public and commercial) in an integrative sponsorship approach.

We are helping facilitate the emergence of the 'conscious consumer' in-turn safeguarding the future of our industry, channeling all sponsorship funding into sustainability projects. Contact us today to find out how you can help.


Birgitte Gerard

Birgitte Gerard

Steve Gerard

Steve Gerard


The official purpose of the trust from our Trust Deed;

3.1 Exclusively Charitable Purposes: The Trustees hold the Trust Fund on trust to pay or apply so much of the capital and income of the Trust Fund as the Trustees think fit exclusively for or towards any one or more of the following exclusively charitable purposes, which are declared to be the purposes of the Trust, namely:
3.1.1 First Object: to protect and enhance the physical outdoor recreational environment in New Zealand, including, but not limited to, fresh and saltwater fisheries and recreational areas, game animal and bird environments, areas used for walking, tramping and mountain biking and mountain environments and to benefit the community through such protection and enhancement;
3.1.2 Second Object: to support educational opportunities relating to the use, protection and enhancement of physical outdoor recreational environments;
3.1.3 Third Object: to provide financial assistance to those persons including bodies corporate and unincorporated whose purpose meets the objects of the Trust;

3.1.4 Incidental Matters: to do all things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any charitable object and/or purpose implied expressed and described in this clause 3.1 or elsewhere or as a result of any change in determinations of this deed or the law for the time being at any time of New Zealand