River Control Works

River Control Works


River Control Work Ashburton Trib.


Ashburton River Network

Flood control work is an important work program designed to protect valuable infrustructure, farmland etc.

However, does it need to be at the expense of our recreational fisheries, can it be managed in a way that lessens the impact?

The picture opposite shows where a corner pool has been filled with gravel in a great little fishery.

We are convinced that there is considerable room for improvement on how this type of work is carried out that would impact less on our fisheries.

We found some guidelines from the Waikato Regional Council which we thought could provide the basis for a new set of guidelines fashisioned specfically for these types of high value fisheries, once these guidelines were established they could also be used in other areas to assist those areas manage this type of work better.

It's our belief that a well constructed set of guidelines potentially could lead to a signicficant benefit many fishieries


Time Line;

PDF download of the issues identified on the Ashburton River Spring 2013

Pictures April 2014 after much of the work was washed away - proving the piont I think...

Environment Waikato guidelines for this type of work

Historic Work;

Pictures from 2008 - described as a bulldozer drivers playground...

Pictures and correspondence 2010 - Picture of more work which resulted in an agreement not to use heavy machinery above Hepburns Ford...